Partners with your dog -- Side by side and Paw in Hand!

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And the Paw in Hand team!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Intro to Dog Sports Graduates!

 Below are 3 of the 4 graduates from our Introduction to Dog Sports
a 4 x wk class!

Heidi we missed you and Kona last night!

Each week we covered a new sport to enjoy and fine tune your communication skills with your dog!

Last class we covered  CARO Rally - O

We started the class on leash but everyone was doing such a great job that the final "Rally-O Vegas style" round was done off leash!

Winner of that round won a $$ Jackpot.  Boy did everyone step up their game!!! It was CLOSE!

I JUST love the videos!!!!

Very impressive communication, using a number of different techniques from Step One Class.
Lure, Targeting, Shaping behaviors and Event Markers.

Handsignals were bang on and sure helped the dogs understand what needed to happen at each station.

LOVED the wagging tails, and enthusiasm from the dogs working with their guardians.

We made learning fun.  It's scientifically proven that long term potentiation (learning), takes place when we engage the pleasure center of our and their brains.  If anyone's interested, "Reaching The Animal Mind" by Karen Pryor is a fantastic book on clicker training.

 We paired the challenge of learning a new sport, with their favourite things in life.   Treats, toys, our enthusiasm and cuddles of course!

I love Rally - O as it also highlights  how powerful our body language is and how much they rely on it for information, compared to our verbal communication.  Following you, ignoring other people, dogs, toys on the ground is tough mental work.  All three teams each round became more focused and enthusiastic about being in the "ring" together.

Hands down, all dogs honed in and understood the hand signals faster to learn what we are trying to communicate for each station, rather than verbal cues.

Remember that important piece of information in times where we're asking something of our dogs.  Should they not respond, take a moment to look at their expressions.  Do they need help to figure out what you've asked of them?

It was clear last night that the moment a dog did not respond to a verbal cue, all the guardien had to do was use a hand signals rather than repeating a cue.  There's an art to proofing a verbal cue.  Most times even when we "think" the dog "knows" the cue, we give them hints with our body.

Very Very Well Done!!!!

They also went home with some delicious, healthy treats, thanks to Auntie Kim's Better Bickies :)


Jackpot round of Rally - o

Patsy & Charming Chabo!

Carmen & Sweet Sweet Sascha!

Negar & Happy Party Girl Daisy!

Can you believe they rocked Rally-o in just one night!!!

Here's some videos of me and my crew enjoying the different dog sports at fun trials.  I'll have to dig up a video of Maren and Opal from a few years ago too!

Agility - Jumpers w/ Daizy

K9 Nosework w/ Daizy

Tricks n Games to make hanging around me fun helps with recalls and heel position!

Rally - o w/ Daizy

In dog sports (and in life) it's important to note that communication is a two way street.  Remember to take a moment to look and note how your dog (or person for that matter) is reacting in response to your voice and body language. 

Learning how to use positive reinforcement based methods effectively is one of the secret ingredients to communicating your wishes clearly.  Another secret (and relief..as it's good for one's soul) is knowing you do not need to use a stern voice or intimidating body language to get the job done either.

Thank you so much for making this class so much fun!



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